
Tuesday, December 3, 2019

My Art Term 4 week 5/6 2019

                                                                        Pastel Art
This is the first assigned art for term 4, and we watched a interesting video to show us how to do it                                                 and it was a great way to learn how to blend.
Doing this peace of art was fun and a little frustrating as I am not a pastel artiest, BUT, I got there in                                      the end, (if you look hard enuf it looks like an animals eye)
The Art is suppose to be the moon and a tinny person looking into it on the left side of the picture.                                        but I made it the moon with blue air swirling around it.
Thanks for reading my blog, and do you like my art that is normally posted on this blog? I think it looks pretty good for one of MY pastel Arts, please let me know if you do or don't like it and let me                                      know in the comments and if you don't please tell me anyway.                                                                                       

Monday, November 4, 2019

The what makes a quality blog post, Poster


This is a great blog poster, in my opinion of-course. everyone in class made one and we were learning the key features of a quality blog post, and we would research the key factors of a quality blog making it look interesting and true.

I think a good rule that I tent to follow is to stick with very few colors keeping its cool and having a color that sticks out to add some pop to the poster instead of making it boring and not to interesting or as I call it the poster hook.

These are fun to make and make one yourself why don't ya, well I think this was fun to make and I hope that I get to make anotha in the future.

Have you made one like this before? and make one of something that has nothing to do with school tell me in the comments if you have!

                                                                                                                                       -Dylan Taylor

Thursday, October 31, 2019

asdf movie collection my fav videos for a laugh

Asdf Movies are great and a lot of fun to watch and made mostly for a great laugh and I myself have ben aspired to make my-own animation, Just need to find something funny... hmm

asdf is made up of more then 20 characters and puts together a few aspects of comedy making it comedy gold. and I think that asdf movie 12 is the best plus it has an intro!

So you already know I like it so... I'll just go to question.

Do you like asdf and did you know about it before I posted it, let me know in the comment section below, so I get a lot of comments like a pro.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Isaac / Dylan / Lola, Copy of Te Hiku Be Internet Awesome: Don't Fall for Fake, Activity 1

Description, This is a NOT so fun slide of how to see real or fake news, this is a slide to for online fishing (i will not spell it with PH)  this is supposed to insure that you are safe on line and to identify the things that do not matter.
Reflection, I think it was a waste of time but I think It "CAN" be useful if you do not know how to deal with these things as some people may not.
Question, have you ever been scammed before and do you find this slide useful? tell me in the comments.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Maths shape similar congruent Tesselations


This is my maths work for the week, my work is specially made for making us understand the similar - congruent shapes and tessellations.  uuuu


I didn't enjoy anything but, I did learn what congruent means


do you find my work helpful, or are you doing this in your school/home maybe work?

My math Angles parallel intersecting triangles

my math work, we did this in our daily math routine and we are bound to share it to the internet.  this maths helps us with knowing the meaning of parallel intersecting triangles.  there are links in the slide I used to get my way through the challenges.

I did enjoy finishing it, but the best part was going to the third slide because it was easy to follow

did you find this helpful, and are you doing it know? let me know in the comments.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Jim Dine

This is my Jim Dine art of a tool (a hammer) and this was put together with charcoal and pencil this was a fun peace of art.

I like this art it is in a way similar to still life
 ( not as fun but fun) the way we made it isn't the best but we did it like this. First get a tool and trace the outline and then get the charcoal for the outside of the hammer shadow and shade it in then get to the insides and draw where the lines                                                                                        of the shape and use pencils to do so, there you a                                                                                      are done.

                                                                                     do you like my art and is it fun when you do it?



This is the pastel drawing my class was doing this for 2 days tops. This is a pastel drawing of my way of using pastel.

I enjoyed this one a hole lot more than all the others and hope I get good feedback off the internet.

How its made
The way we made it was, Use a pencil to make the shape of your design. 2, Get your desired colors and find out where you can put those                                                                                              colors for effect. color in the master peace and                                                                                          mix the colors in a way they can blend. there                                                                                            you have it.

                                                                                    Do you like my art and do you have any                                                                                                    experience of this sort of art?


This is my tessellation art we were forced to do art of things that match and that fit in to the on going shapes.

I think it was a good little art peace and think that it could have some depth if effort is put in.

do you like my "uncoppied" art peace and can I improve?

we need to make art funn!

Thursday, August 8, 2019

mountain range my art

This is our Jim dine art of a mountain range,  the mountain range we did last week it was to help us get us use to charcoal for the new form of art we are focusing on.

The art was a good experience to get use to charcoal, But... it wasn't as interesting and fun as resent projects not to mention that we all had to do the same....

is there any way you know i can improve my Jim dine art and have you drawn one yourself?

photography / film makers


This is the camera shot slide we did at cyber smart we got into groups and made these shots, The point is so we can get better with using a camera for a new movie and learning to be a photographer. While we were learning this we were given a list of things to shoot photo's of, Like birds eye view, My friend cash helped me with these photo's. "we used web toy to take our photos".


 Doing it was fun and next time we will probably be even more life like .maybe.   "what could have been done better was write a better description and be more organised".


 Do you have any movie making experience and is there tips that you can give me to help the film? 

Thursday, August 1, 2019

screencastify how to copy write safely 😈

This is my screencastify and how to be safe from being accused of copy write, This contains the information I made to help other bloggers not be charged by Disney or anything else. if you find this video hard to understand you can read what I have written down below. just for a tip, you could go on explore which can be found on google docs and google slides .

  1. First of all I was on the web and found a landscape that I really liked 
  2. Then next to the image or down below on smaller devices, look at the licence click the licence and see if it is free for edit or copy.
  3. Third of all, I went and copped it into this document and started writing this

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Gabriel Moreno

This is my Gabriel Moreno art we did in term 2 in the first few weeks, We had to do some little designs an made them into a "wonderful" peace of art.

We did this art for the sake of witch every term my class chooses a form of art and we spend however long we need to finish it.

Doing this art was fun and long, trying to figure a way for it to be contrast enough to be a Gabriel Moreno drawing. I enjoyed this peace and glade it came out good enough for my liking.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

rugby league


there is writing at the bottom

Only today we had done the rugby league I must say I don't like it but relatively good I got further then everyone in my team that is a bonus. before we begone we were arranged in groups and then put in places I started a sub.

These two people that I can't remember there name but they came to school at the beginning of term and started to teach us how to play and offer to sign up to the rugby league witch is a once in a life time opportunity.

Do you like rugby league? or do you like other sports? is there a way to improve my writing?

When we were playing league it was a re leaf people weren't at the top of there gain I had a few runs but sadly I didn't score.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

My Two Books A Window A Tree And A Tea Cup

This is my of two books a window a tree and a tea cup I drew this in a competition isth  with cash it was fun and it was not easy it has taken me about 52 minutes to complete and and lot of shading   
How I made this was Cash put a image on his chrome book and me and him wanted to draw it and so we did and we have done a few drawings together know

Here is something I have never said in my life or even written but how can I improve my art please put some ideas in the comments unless your in my class

for my reflection my art has not really changed over the years but this is a different drawing because. I commonly do drawings with ether my old friends to present and or have a drawing we all could see.  I usually would make one alone but this time Cash and I have actually done not one but two of the same images from two different artists and two different papers.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Dylan's How To Create A Quality Blog Post

How To Create A Quality Blog Post

INTRO Description
This is my how to make a good Quality blog post by using google drawings for D L O the digital learning object on Thu, June 13 2019. We did this because we had to create a poster of making a high quality blog post for our cyber smart teacher Donna Yates and to put it on our blogs to show people how they can change the way they post and we made this to help our posting and thankfully I have received some help from my new friend cash.

Next time we do something like this in the rest of all my learning in school I hope to listen better to the teacher break the subject down into parts to make it even easier and maybe do some more work on it then I did this time and wish to improve my work 

  We first had to listen to Donna Yates tell us the topic we were making a poster of. Then we went on and started to make it but I hadn't listened to one part so I wasted 3 minutes on a different kind of poster but then went back on track.
After we Finished most of our posters were put up on the big screen in front of the class but my one didn't I hadn't finish at that point of time maybe next time.

Next time I do a blog post do you think I could change anything  about my posting if you do think I need to please put your ideas in the comments.

Steps you can follow to create high quality blog post:

1. make it have a catchy title
2. have a introduction / description
3. have a reflection
4. have a Question when you are finishing it up
5. make it make sense

By Dylan T

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

random screencastify

here is my quick screencastify we did for the fact that we needed to do the screencastifys for our maths when we finished the challenge

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Roy Liechtenstein

I have done a Liechtensteiner art peas and played around with background

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Friday, April 5, 2019


we needed to create a animation for cyber "smart" with the teacher Donna Yates and she helped the us learn to create a quality blog post using different slides between a few weeks and it helped our learning but showing a easier way to animate hope you enjoy my animation

Thursday, March 28, 2019