
Monday, November 4, 2019

The what makes a quality blog post, Poster


This is a great blog poster, in my opinion of-course. everyone in class made one and we were learning the key features of a quality blog post, and we would research the key factors of a quality blog making it look interesting and true.

I think a good rule that I tent to follow is to stick with very few colors keeping its cool and having a color that sticks out to add some pop to the poster instead of making it boring and not to interesting or as I call it the poster hook.

These are fun to make and make one yourself why don't ya, well I think this was fun to make and I hope that I get to make anotha in the future.

Have you made one like this before? and make one of something that has nothing to do with school tell me in the comments if you have!

                                                                                                                                       -Dylan Taylor

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