
Friday, August 23, 2019

Maths shape similar congruent Tesselations


This is my maths work for the week, my work is specially made for making us understand the similar - congruent shapes and tessellations.  uuuu


I didn't enjoy anything but, I did learn what congruent means


do you find my work helpful, or are you doing this in your school/home maybe work?

My math Angles parallel intersecting triangles

my math work, we did this in our daily math routine and we are bound to share it to the internet.  this maths helps us with knowing the meaning of parallel intersecting triangles.  there are links in the slide I used to get my way through the challenges.

I did enjoy finishing it, but the best part was going to the third slide because it was easy to follow

did you find this helpful, and are you doing it know? let me know in the comments.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Jim Dine

This is my Jim Dine art of a tool (a hammer) and this was put together with charcoal and pencil this was a fun peace of art.

I like this art it is in a way similar to still life
 ( not as fun but fun) the way we made it isn't the best but we did it like this. First get a tool and trace the outline and then get the charcoal for the outside of the hammer shadow and shade it in then get to the insides and draw where the lines                                                                                        of the shape and use pencils to do so, there you a                                                                                      are done.

                                                                                     do you like my art and is it fun when you do it?



This is the pastel drawing my class was doing this for 2 days tops. This is a pastel drawing of my way of using pastel.

I enjoyed this one a hole lot more than all the others and hope I get good feedback off the internet.

How its made
The way we made it was, Use a pencil to make the shape of your design. 2, Get your desired colors and find out where you can put those                                                                                              colors for effect. color in the master peace and                                                                                          mix the colors in a way they can blend. there                                                                                            you have it.

                                                                                    Do you like my art and do you have any                                                                                                    experience of this sort of art?


This is my tessellation art we were forced to do art of things that match and that fit in to the on going shapes.

I think it was a good little art peace and think that it could have some depth if effort is put in.

do you like my "uncoppied" art peace and can I improve?

we need to make art funn!

Thursday, August 8, 2019

mountain range my art

This is our Jim dine art of a mountain range,  the mountain range we did last week it was to help us get us use to charcoal for the new form of art we are focusing on.

The art was a good experience to get use to charcoal, But... it wasn't as interesting and fun as resent projects not to mention that we all had to do the same....

is there any way you know i can improve my Jim dine art and have you drawn one yourself?

photography / film makers


This is the camera shot slide we did at cyber smart we got into groups and made these shots, The point is so we can get better with using a camera for a new movie and learning to be a photographer. While we were learning this we were given a list of things to shoot photo's of, Like birds eye view, My friend cash helped me with these photo's. "we used web toy to take our photos".


 Doing it was fun and next time we will probably be even more life like .maybe.   "what could have been done better was write a better description and be more organised".


 Do you have any movie making experience and is there tips that you can give me to help the film? 

Thursday, August 1, 2019

screencastify how to copy write safely 😈

This is my screencastify and how to be safe from being accused of copy write, This contains the information I made to help other bloggers not be charged by Disney or anything else. if you find this video hard to understand you can read what I have written down below. just for a tip, you could go on explore which can be found on google docs and google slides .

  1. First of all I was on the web and found a landscape that I really liked 
  2. Then next to the image or down below on smaller devices, look at the licence click the licence and see if it is free for edit or copy.
  3. Third of all, I went and copped it into this document and started writing this